Having frequented quite a few blogs , I am quite stuck but how each blog is unique yet the same. For example let us look at the common words o jargons used in blogs. These are generally the in cool words the one in every 3 blogs have for e.g. Musings or Reflections seem to be extremely popular with amateur bloggers. Every one seems to think of him to be a great thinker whose thoughts on what is happening in the world (or at least his world) is a good thing to record. No more comments on that, while a few of them are actually good like
http://theindian.blogspot.com/ (sadly very short lived) and
http://www.cyd.liu.se/~kamva881/blogs/musings/ others are well… ordinary.
Then we have the Blogs with Travails. Every blogger seems to be a victim. Victims of a dilbert like boss, uncouth neighbor, dumb fellow student, brain dead colleague or even innocent bystanders. Most of the times it is likely it is the so-called perpetrator who is the victim, some times these postings have well… an iota of truth. Like the common social stereotypes and to make matters better mostly these posts are hilarious. This post is particularly funny
http://sidin.blogspot.com/2004/05/travails-of-single-south-indian-men-of.html Resolutions: if you want poof that most bloggers have nothing better to do than blogging then look for postings with their New year Resolutions. OK this only a seasonal phenomenon but still I cant believe how common it is. If are like me, One of those who has better things to do than read others resolutions read this post on resolutions by Mike
http://midnightmare.blogspot.com/2005/12/of-b-schoolers-and-new-year.html Finally the most tragic usage of them all, one that I almost always regret reading except on those rare occasions when I actually wait for it…Break or Hiatus. This always means the end and acts as the obituary for the blog. There are far to many of these and I don’t keep bookmarks of such blogs but if there is one blog I will do anything to be resumed it is the blog by the anonymous TCS blogger with just 2 posts, My fingers are working and Turkish tea. I try and get the links but its kinda difficult. The blog was called weird!!!.